Good news for the Earth's climate

Although it is well known that the increment of GHGs is contributing to raise the global temperatures, the majority of the people is not aware of the beneficial effects we already achieved with the Montreal Protocol. So far the ozone hole has been one of the most important forcing in driving the climate changes in the Southern Hemisphere by summing its impact to the effects caused by GHGs. With the application of the Montreal Protocol by cutting the CFC emissions we arrested the global ozone depletion. Because of these beneficial results, a study published in Science a few weeks ago for the first time was able to show that the ozone hole is now clearly recovering. Therefore, we expect that in future this recovery will tend to partially counteract the negative effects of GHGs. This is a further confirmation of the beneficial effects of the environmental policies globally undertaken during the last years.
Below you can find the interesting paper published by S. Solomon and colleagues.

Map of total ozone column based on OMI data and an atmospheric model. Source NASA.


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